I spend a lot of time saying “buy NEO”, but admittedly, not a lot of time saying why.
I don’t like people to buy something without researching it. Anyone who bothers to research NEO properly will buy it, they’ll sell their own grandmothers for NEO if necessary. Sadly it appears that most folks are too lazy to research NEO (or they REALLY love their grandmothers), they’d rather just follow the regular hype and buy whatever is trending. This is how vapourware like ADA stays in the top ten, or how centralised, over-supplied rubbish like XRP becomes a leading coin. Sheep are pathetic…
In light of this obvious problem, I will try to put more effort into keeping my readers informed about developments in the NEO world.
NEO is a fantastic coin, hugely undervalued and greatly under-appreciated when compared to more popular Eurocentric coins.
Let us look at a few developments in the NEO world from only the last week or so:
I want to start by suggesting that you bookmark https://neonewstoday.com – most (if not all) of the information in this post can be found there. It’s a site which publishes news about all NEO projects and happenings, there’s something new there every day.
Switcheo is a NEO based DEX. It’s not very well known, but it looks to be gaining ground. On 19 June Switcheo took a significant step, they listed the EOS/NEO atomic swap trading pair. This is the world’s first atomic swap that links the EOS and NEO blockchains. Read more about it here: Switcheo Launches Cross-Chain Atomic Swaps on EOS and NEO.
In other news, Switcheo is getting closer to launching its own blockchain. It’s sad that it would have to leave the NEO chain, but Switcheo say that this is a necessary step for true decentralisation. I agree with them, NEO still has a lot of growing to do before it can be considered decentralised, for now it is in very good hands, but in the long-term I want to see completely decentralised NEO. It is understandable that Switcheo wants to speed things up in order to run a DEX. Read more about the Switcheo chain and future of the SWTH token here: Switcheo reveals details on upcoming Switcheo Chain’s Tendermint consensus and staking model.
I spoke about Aphelion yesterday, and as I said, I’m personally no longer interested in investing in this wallet/exchange project. My (minute amount of) APH has been turned into SWTH. Aphelion has now listed on BitMart, which may push up the price of its APH token. I suggest that (as always) you don’t put any money into the project without researching its history first. Read more about it here: Aphelion to be listed on BitMart Exchange; CEO Holtz claims project is funded.
Nash Exchange
Wow. A lot of exchange related news on NEO this week, isn’t there?
Regular readers may know that I am very bullish on Nash Exchange and that I have invested a relatively large percentage of my portfolio in its NEX token. At about 13%, my NEX holdings are worth slightly more than my Binance Coin ones, that’s how much I believe in it! The staking should prove to be very profitable on what promises to be the best DEX by far. We don’t have a launch date yet, but it is in beta at the moment and…
“Nash opens applications for token listings on upcoming exchange” – Nash is open for token listing applications. For about $10 000 in legal fees (Nash makes no profit from this) and a few words describing the project, projects can now apply for a listing. I think that clever projects should jump at this opportunity as fast as possible. I would be very interested to know which ones are already busy applying.
… and…
“Nash seeks national currency partners for fiat ramps” – Having taken much time and having gone to great lengths to comply with regulatory frameworks (to a level that nobody else in crypto has ever done), Nash will probably be able to offer legal fiat/crypto trading options available nowhere else. Already Nash has forged relationships with national currency partners in the United States of America, European Union and Brazil. It’s now looking for even more options.
Nash is going to be big. I’m telling you this now while the tokens are selling for around $3. Don’t come crying to me later…
The history of the NEX token as seen at CoinGecko. (ICO price was $1)

NEO is always busy hosting or participating in a few events. These are the latest:
NEOResearch has released its latest report which details its contributions to NEO made within the last year. NEOResearch is a development community based in Latin-America. Those who are more technically minded may be interested in what they have been up to behind the scenes: NeoResearch report summarizes over a year of research and development contributions to NEO
There is a lot more that happened this week, but I’m not going to re-write it all, you can read NEO News Today’s own weekly report here: NEO News: Week in Review – June 17th – June 23rd. More reports, much more project news, token listings, events – they’re all in there.
You can also follow NEO on Twitter, their official account is https://twitter.com/NEO_Blockchain.
Remember that NEO is a modern generation cryptocurrency platform. It’s busy with a major upgrade (to NEO 3.0), a process which should conclude in the first half of next year. NEO pays GAS to all NEO holders – no complicated staking process, the GAS is just allocated to the wallet that holds the NEO tokens. It’s also the only major currency I know of that requires no transaction fees to move around – making it a cheap way to shift money on and off exchanges or between wallets. NEO is also trading 10x cheaper than it was at its ATH price in January 2018 – now THAT is a bargain!
I’m openly bullish on NEO, more so than on any other cryptocurrency. This post doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of it.
Yours in crypto
Bit Brain
Attribution: Featured image from the latest NEOResearch report on Github

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