Cryptocurrencies Ready for $10k BTC?Bit BrainJune 20, 2022June 19, 2024 by Bit BrainJune 20, 2022June 19, 2024079 "you're free to believe the mainstream narrative that A, B, C... are "transitory" or "under control" or "no longer a problem" - but you do...
Cryptocurrencies Analysis – Powell’s feedback on the FOMC meetingBit BrainSeptember 17, 2020September 17, 2020 by Bit BrainSeptember 17, 2020September 17, 20200781 "But does Powell he even know this?"...
Cryptocurrencies Deflation / Inflation: MusingsBit BrainJune 9, 2020June 9, 2020 by Bit BrainJune 9, 2020June 9, 20200572 "It is IMPOSSIBLE to criticise the end results of deflation when it has never been allowed to maturity."...
Strategy Rental Price Growth Gets Cut in Half From A Year AgoscaredycatguideNovember 9, 2019November 9, 2019 by scaredycatguideNovember 9, 2019November 9, 20190778 Rental prices have seen aggressive growth over the past five years, but the gas tank may finally be getting low with prices over the past...
Stocks Warren Buffett is Stock Piling Cash – This chart may be whyscaredycatguideOctober 20, 2019October 21, 2019 by scaredycatguideOctober 20, 2019October 21, 20191804 The Oracle of Omaha has been building a warchest of cash and generally when that happens it is because he’s betting on a discount buying...
Strategy Reducing Capital Gains Taxes on Real Estate, Legally!scaredycatguideOctober 19, 2019October 20, 2019 by scaredycatguideOctober 19, 2019October 20, 20190690 There are many expenses involved when selling real estate taxes is one of the biggest, especially if you have to pay capital gains. However, if...
Stocks What Stock Sectors are the Smart (Big) Money Investing In?scaredycatguideOctober 18, 2019October 19, 2019 by scaredycatguideOctober 18, 2019October 19, 20190508 There is a saying to follow the smart money. With the performance of hedge funds over the past decade relative to the S&P 500 some...
Cryptocurrencies LINK – Taking a Shot on a Long TradescaredycatguideOctober 14, 2019October 14, 2019 by scaredycatguideOctober 14, 2019October 14, 20190320 Yesterday I discussed Chainlink (LINK) and how $2.50 could potentially act as a support given prior price action. Just a little trade… Now that price...
Strategy Here’s Why You Always Add a Buffer to Your Reno BudgetscaredycatguideSeptember 13, 2019September 13, 2019 by scaredycatguideSeptember 13, 2019September 13, 20190490 If you have done a couple large renovation projects then you know what I’m talking about. When estimating rehab costs – always add a buffer...
Strategy Who is Responsible: Tenant or Landlord?scaredycatguideAugust 30, 2019 by scaredycatguideAugust 30, 20190379 As a rental property owner never take your lease for granted. In the end it dictates what is what and who does what when it...