
Decentralised Victories – Part 2

This article builds on what I said in Decentralised Victories – Part 1, consider that prerequisite reading if you are to read this.

In Part 1 we discussed “Power”, the first head of the two-headed Money/Power “Monster”. Today it is the turn of “Money”.

VERY quick recap:

  • Politicians seek power and have little interest in serving the common man.
  • Political systems are normally designed to con people into believing that they have a say in political decisions.
  • Party politics is a zero-sum fools game.
  • Mass media is the tool politicians use to sway the beliefs of the population.
  • People justify their own participation in political processes (such as voting) by rationalising them to themselves using a plethora of cognitive biases.
  • Your every action is limited and regulated – and you have no say in the extent of those limits and regulations.


I covered “Power” first because Power is the face you see, its wielders and effects are relatively out in the open – they are often seen by you. Money is a different kettle of fish altogether.

You may recall that in Part 1 when I spoke about politicians being self-serving, I said:

That isn’t strictly true – there are a few people whom they genuinely want to help – we’ll get to that later in the series.

And that is where money comes into it!

Politics is an expensive game: all that campaigning doesn’t pay for itself. The reach of a political party, its ability to employ more staff and to grow is limited by one very big thing: funding.

Without funding, a political party would be dead in the water. To a very small degree it receives funding from national government: depending on where you are in the world,  salaries can be paid to (the far too many) politicians serving in national posts and parties can receive funding from the national fiscus. But this is only a drop in the ocean compared to their total operating budget. To live the luxurious existence which the self-serving believe they deserve, politicians need a lot more funding! Fortunately for them, they have an inexhaustible supply which is very eager to help them…

It is often said that “money is the root of all evil”. Perhaps if people knew more about money, they would pay closer attention to that saying! The world is in crisis. Yes, it appears to be relatively at peace, but don’t be fooled. Global inequality is at an all time high. The number of people living below the breadline is large and increasing. As I said in Part 1, this entire series is only a brief overview. Hit the ‘ol Google machine and dig a few “Wealth Inequality” infographics out, it’s not pretty! Of course this is not seen in the everyday media, there you will see the more popular stories which don’t make politicians look bad. Remember who controls the mass media! No politician ever won votes by pointing out to the common man that he is getting further and further away from the rich elite, so none of them ever point it out…

INTERRUPTION: At this stage I must point out that there is a common counter-argument to what I am now saying about the growing global inequality gap. The counter-argument states that an increasingly greater percentage of people are being pulled out of abject poverty by government programmes and initiatives. It’s not wrong, but it’s logic is flawed. If I told you that (figures for example purposes only) 50% of people were below the breadline 20 years ago, but now that figure is only 45%, then that sounds like a win, right? But what if I also told you that 20 years ago there were 2 billion people below the breadline, but now that figure is 3 billion? Is that still a win? You see; the evil money monster has a very powerful weapon in its arsenal, one that it KNOWS people don’t understand: Inflation. The number of real people becoming poorer by the day is increasing because people keep having children that they can’t afford to have, especially in areas where education levels are low. The number of people on Earth is not constant, it is inflating, so the real number of poor and suffering people continues to grow.

Inflation is one of the greatest evils on this planet and it applies to money far more than what it does to the (worryingly) ever increasing amount of people on the planet. One of the greatest strengths of cryptocurrencies is the fact that they are not inflationary (at least not the proper ones). Take Bitcoin as an example: supply is strictly limited. Bitcoin mining rewards are fixed and they halve approximately every four years. I believe that the annual inflation rate of Bitcoin right now is 3.8%. This inflation rate grows ever smaller as more coins are minted. It takes big downwards jumps at block rewards halving events. Two years from now the BTC inflation rate will jump downwards to less than 1.8% per annum. In 2025 it will become less than 0.85%. This already small inflation rate is offset by its rate of growing adoption, offset to such a large degree that the inflation rate effectively becomes a massive deflationary one! In other words: the value of the Bitcoin you hold INCREASES over time!

This is in stark contrast to your fiat money. Fiat money is highly inflationary. The same fiat money that bought you two pizzas a decade ago will now probably only be able to buy you one pizza. By comparison: a decade ago the cost of two pizzas was 10000 Bitcoin! (Yes, that really happened.)


Do you see the difference between inflationary and deflationary money now? Just imagine if you had invested everything in crypto a decade ago!

Inflation is a fully legal method by which central banks are allowed to devalue the money that you save. They do this by placing ever more of their unbacked fiat currencies into circulation. Their only limits are what they themselves impose – they and their friends in politics…

Perhaps now you are starting to see the relationship between money and politics. Let me not beat around the bush any further, let’s lay it out bare:

Politicians are funded by money – money which comes from big banks and multinational corporations. The majority of these large corporate entities and banks are in cahoots with one another, they play a monopolistic game in which the ultra-rich win and everybody else loses. In return for endless funding, politicians legislate in favour of the rich: businesses get granted licenses to perform unethical acts (such as polluting the environment) or receive token slap-on-the-wrist fines for breaking laws, or get laws that actively prohibit the common man from being able to get a slice of the pie. Politicians get money from the rich, in return, the rich get regulations which favour them at the expense of the common man. It’s a quid pro quo relationship at the expense of everybody who isn’t either filthy rich or in politics.

Perhaps my favourite example of this is that of the US “Accredited Investor” regulations, compliments of the SEC (the same SEC that keeps putting cryptocurrency ETF applications on hold). The Accredited Investor regulations are fairly long and detailed, but for the average American citizen they boil down to this: you need at least $1 million in liquid assets to be able to invest in many of the best investment opportunities. Ironically (or not), $1 million or more in liquid assets is also the broadly accepted definition of what makes a “High Net Worth Individual” (HNWI) of which there are only about 14 million in the world – 5 million of which are in the US. 

I don’t have a problem with relatively wealthy people being able to invest in business opportunities, rather I have a problem with the unwritten consequence of that regulation: about 325 million Americans are unable to invest in many potentially lucrative business opportunities! 

This makes no sense! Once again I understand the counter-argument against what I am saying: some business ventures are risky and those who can’t afford to lose money must be protected against risking it in this manner. Once again, I pose a rebuttal: Why then are these same people allowed to spend money (which they could have invested in a potentially lucrative business opportunity) on things such as gambling or alcohol? For the moment, let us ignore the fact that adults are condescendingly policing one another, and focus on the real reason:

Because when the poor spend their money on investments which make money, they take a little wealth away from the wealthy. When the poor spend their money on gambling, alcohol (or just about anything else for that matter) – they put more money in the pockets of the wealthy and continue to widen the poverty gap.

The inconvenient and most horrible truth is that the monetary systems of the world are designed to keep the rich rich and to keep the poor poor. The poor are quite literally prevented from legally lifting themselves out of poverty. Sure, I’m oversimplifying it and generalising, but I’m also just scratching the surface of the problem. I haven’t delved into the histories of the large banking families and how they set their global network of operations into play. I haven’t gone into the Western war machine and how that is kept running at a rapid rate in order to keep making money from arms, or how governments (and by extension their taxpayers) are kept in permanent and growing debt. I haven’t talked you through the nasty tool behind inflation known as Fractional Reserve Banking. I haven’t spoken about how taxpayers give massive payouts to the wealthy in the form of Quantitative Easing. I haven’t even spoken about how fiat money came about in the first place, and what happened to the gold reserves which used to back money. I’m trying not to overcomplicate this, so that you can understand the basis of the relationship of evil, so that you can understand why Money and Power are two heads of the same monster and are not to be treated as separate entities.

When you look at the great evils that money brings, is it now in any way still mystery to you as to why governments oppose cryptocurrencies so vehemently and why big banks are so petrified of them? Is their any doubt in your mind that anti-crypto FUD sown by the likes of Jamie Dimon is not a deliberate attempt to discredit crypto before it replaces their old-world money making schemes?

I tell you this with the utmost certainty after years of careful analysis: the political and financial sectors of the Western World are generally the most despicably evil entities ever to have existed. They have created more suffering than any major tyrant in history, and have indirectly taken far more lives. Each child that starves to death is blood on their hands. Every soldier or civilian lost to an unjust war (such as Vietnam) is blood on their hands. Every person who dies of a treatable disease is blood on their hands. They have the power to stop all of this, but they have chosen greed over humanity – and so they need to go.

The way to change the world is through crypto. Crypto is not perfect, buts it’s a darn sight better than the current systems! Crypto has a place both in finance and in governance, which is why I support it wholeheartedly. In my next post, when we look at the crux of the title of this series “Decentralised Victories”, then we may discuss crypto a little further.

Conclusion – for now

I’ve already covered most of what I wanted to say in the text above. I hope this has enlightened those to whom it may be new subject matter or that I may have given additional perspective to those who are already in the know.

I hope you can now see things like why small political parties who will never stand a chance against the unfairly funded big parties. I hope you can see the intricate gears turning in the background of how the world works, and that you realise that the clock face shown to the public is merely a façade.

Please realise the generalisations written in this text don’t always apply! I say again, this is a very brief overview of a far more complex topic! Not every dollar millionaire is a bad person out to trample the oppressed, even some of the super rich are good people.

My take away message for now is: whatever you do, don’t believe that the system works for you! Don’t trust a single thing that comes out of the mouth of ANY politician or big banker. Don’t support their flawed processes! The common man has been abused for long enough! Fiat money deserves to die. Current political systems deserve to die – and that includes the sacred cow known as “Representative Democracies”! After all, who do you think sowed the idea that that cow was sacred?

Yours in money and power

Bit Brain

“The secret to success: find out where people are going and get there first” 

~ Mark Twain

“Crypto does not require institutional investment to succeed; institutions require crypto investments to remain successful” 

~ Bit Brain

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