
The Sunday Recap – Down the Rabbit Hole 30

As usual lots to take-in this week from the continuing shenanigans of Craig Wright to JP Morgan’s clear inability to grasp the value proposition of crypto. This week I’ve highlighted Hackernoon – with all but one of the listed articles being sourced from the website. The quality of crypto/tech-related material published on Hackernoon is first rate. Each one of the articles listed below is informative, valuable and current.

Picks of the Week

Hands down the most interesting article I’ve read in quite some time is ‘Crypto is the New Fiat‘ by Conceptskip. While I don’t necessarily agree with all of the points raised – each and every one is worth contemplating. I also found the Off the Chain podcast discussing a modernized take on democracy and voting very intriguing.


Now, this is how you refute lazy journalism:

JP Morgan might not be your ‘go to’ for crypto analysis:

And again JP Morgan might be a little confused as to the value proposition of crypto:

Ethereum infrastructure is enabling faster/more ambitious development:

Cracks in the dollars global dominance:

Crypto portfolio forecast (close to the mark imo):

Saying the same thing in different ways is actually pretty valuable:


Grab a coffee and a notebook – challenging a raft of broadly held assumptions about crypto (highly recommended):

Hackernoon Sourced

Don’t trust, verify – the Bitcoin way:

Cash is already on its last legs (recommended):

A developer’s take-away from working in blockchain:

Decentralized Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) examined (recommended):

Crypto collectibles (ignore the protocol bias and the article is still informative):

Art fraud may soon have to learn new tricks:

Image data use cases and tech:

Social media normalizing extreme views (highly recommended)?


A truly novel approach to modernizing democracy:


I’m sort of traumatized by watching this – but highly recommend it nonetheless:​​

Possible regulatory headwinds for crypto (highly recommended):

Beware looking at the past to ‘confidently predict’ the future price action of BTC:​​


Wallets containing 1 or more BTC are continuing to rise.​​

It’s a busy DApp landscape but not all protocols are equally enticing to developers:​​

Website / Utility

Obsessing about the Bitcoin Halving? This site has you covered:​

Hope you all enjoyed this trip down the ever-deepening crypto rabbit hole. As always, looking forward to your comments and suggestions.

Note on Sources:

Twitter & Reddit (cryptos current meta-brains) / Medium / Trybe / Hackernoon / Whaleshares / TIMM and so on/ YouTube / various podcasts and whatever else I stumble upon. The aim is a useful weekly aggregator of ideas rather than news. Though I try to keep the sources current – I’ll reference these articles and podcasts etc. as I encounter them – they may have been published just a couple of days ago or in some cases quite a bit earlier.

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