Honestly, up until about a year ago I didn’t even realize whatsapp was a legit app. I literally thought it was some kind of spam. Then I got introduced to people outside the U.S. and realized it is the most used messaging app elsewhere.
In fact, most Europeans don’t use the regular text messaging provided with your phone carrier, but use whatsapp instead.
So when news of a crypto wallet coming to whatsapp hits I had to take notice.
Looks like it will be functional to send BTC with something as simple as texting “send 0.01 BTC to John Doe.”
I will attached a link to a news article, but from what I am seeing it is basically a software agent being provided by Wuabit
You can read more here: https://coinbeat.com/a-whatsapp-cryptocurrency-wallet-is-set-for-release/
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